Happy Landing Subdivision
Springfield, Illinois
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Bylaws & Covenants

Subdivision bylaws and covenants are provided for your reference in PDF format:

Happy Landing Farm Subdivision Bylaws

Plat 3: Kitty Hawk Court, Amelia Court, and Happy Landing Drive (North of Hedley)
Happy Landing Farm Subdivision Covenants for Plat 3

Plat 4: Sandwood Drive, Sawbill Drive, Benbrook Drive, and Happy Landing Drive (South of Hedley, but North of church entrance):
Happy Landing Farm Subdivision Covenants for Plat 4

Plat 9: Glengate Drive, Ladera Drive, Fernwood Drive, and Happy Landing Drive (South of church entrance, but North of commercial properties):
Happy Landing Farm Subdivision Covenants for Plat 9